
ArticlesJanuary 17, 2023by skytree

Challenges in Starting Digital Marketing for Traditional Companies

There can be several challenges that traditional companies may face when starting digital marketing, especially for Indonesian companies. Here are a few examples of these challenges and ways to overcome them:

    1. Limited digital literacy: Some traditional companies may have limited experience or expertise in digital marketing, which can make it difficult for them to develop and implement effective digital marketing strategies. One way to overcome this challenge is to invest in training and development for employees or to hire external experts to help with digital marketing efforts.
    2. Limited resources: Traditional companies may have limited resources to allocate to digital marketing efforts, such as budget, staff time, or external expertise. This can make it difficult for them to implement and maintain a digital marketing campaign. One way to overcome this challenge is to prioritize digital marketing efforts and allocate resources accordingly. For example, a company may want to focus on building a strong online presence through search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing, rather than trying to implement a wide range of tactics at once.
    3. Cultural resistance: Some traditional companies may face resistance from employees or stakeholders who are hesitant to embrace digital marketing or unfamiliar with the benefits of digital marketing. To overcome this challenge, companies may need to educate employees and stakeholders about the benefits of digital marketing and how it can help the business achieve its goals.
    4. Limited market penetration: Traditional companies may have limited market penetration online, especially if they have not previously focused on digital marketing. This can make it difficult for them to reach their target audience and generate leads. One way to overcome this challenge is to invest in paid advertising, such as Google AdWords or social media advertising, to reach a wider audience.
    5. Competition: Traditional companies may face competition from more digitally savvy companies, which can make it difficult for them to stand out in the online market. One way to overcome this challenge is to differentiate the company’s products or services and highlight its unique selling