
ArticlesFebruary 28, 2023by skytree

Feeding Hope: How a Digital Ramadan Campaign Tackled Hunger in Indonesia

Indonesia is home to millions of people who live below the poverty line, and the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated their struggles.

In 2020, as the holy month of Ramadan approached, Garda Pangan, a non-profit organization focused on fighting hunger and poverty in Indonesia, faced an unprecedented challenge. With the pandemic still raging and many families struggling to make ends meet, the organization needed to find a way to continue its mission of providing food and necessities to underprivileged communities. They decided to take their fundraising efforts online, launching a digital campaign that would ultimately prove to be a huge success.

The main objective of the campaign was simple but powerful: to provide food and necessities to as many underprivileged communities as possible during the month of Ramadan. The campaign aimed to raise funds to support the organization’s efforts in ensuring that everyone in Indonesia had access to nutritious meals during the holy month.

Garda Pangan’s Ramadan campaign focused on several angles, including:

    1. The importance of providing food assistance during Ramadan: The organization highlighted the significance of giving back to the community during the holy month, especially to those who need food and necessities.
    2. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: Garda Pangan emphasized the challenges faced by underprivileged communities during the pandemic and how the organization’s efforts could make a significant difference in their lives.
    3. The power of collective action: The campaign encouraged individuals and businesses to donate whatever they could to support Garda Pangan’s efforts, emphasizing that even small contributions could have a big impact when combined with others.

Garda Pangan implemented several strategies to achieve its objective and campaign angles, including:

    1. Leveraging social media: Garda Pangan used social media to reach a wider audience and spread awareness about its campaign. The organization posted regular updates on its social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to keep donors and supporters informed about the campaign’s progress and impact.
    2. Building partnerships: Garda Pangan partnered with other organizations, including corporate sponsors, to help promote the campaign and expand its reach. These partnerships provided financial and logistical support and helped to increase the visibility of the campaign.
    3. Providing transparency and accountability: Garda Pangan provided regular updates on the campaign’s progress and impact to maintain transparency and accountability to its donors and supporters. The organization shared photos and videos of the distribution process, showing how the donations were being used to help those in need.

Engaging with donors: Garda Pangan engaged with donors and supporters through personal messages, thank-you notes, and shoutouts on its social media platforms. This helped to create a sense of community and connection with its supporters, which helped to sustain interest in the campaign and encourage ongoing support.

Garda Pangan’s Ramadan digital fundraising campaign reportedly generated over USD 141,000 in donations. The organization was able to provide food assistance and necessities to thousands of underprivileged families across Indonesia, particularly in areas with limited access to food and clean water. The campaign received significant media coverage, with several news outlets reporting on Garda Pangan’s efforts and the impact of the campaign on the communities it served.


Editorial note: The case provided in this article is intended to showcase examples of successful digital donation crowdfunding campaigns by NGOs. They are not meant to serve as a promotional tool for any specific NGO or campaign, but rather to highlight the potential impact that NGOs can make through the strategic use of digital platforms. The information provided is based on publicly available sources and is intended to serve as educational content for those interested in learning about digital donation crowdfunding campaigns and their potential to make a difference in the world.
